Who runs the world? All the womxn & LGBTQ+ running the U.S. after election day

By Kelcie McKenney, Emily Park, and Jen Harris

After Tuesday’s election, the U.S. not only ended up with the first woman—and a half Black, half Indian woman at that—to hold the title of Vice President of the United States, but also with a record-breaking 134 womxn winning seats in the United States Congress.

New Mexico became the first state to elect all women of color to represent the state in the U.S. House of Representatives. Delaware voted in the first transgender member of the U.S. Senate. Republicans elected their first Native American woman to Congress, who will represent New Mexico. And those are just some of the wins for womxn on election day. 

These are the womxn behind historic firsts of Nov. 3’s election:

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